batch-ecdsa-secp256r1 [link]
Developed circuits for batch verification of ECDSA Signatures using Randomizers for the P-256 curve
circom-circuits [link]
Developed a library for bit manipulation, floating point operations, operations with multiple operands in circom.
maci-noir [link]
Rewriting PSE's MACI (Minimal Anti Collusion Infrastructure) circuits in Noir
plonkathon [link]
Implementation of PLONK prover in python with detailed explanation


ecc-solidity [link]
Solidity implementation of elliptic curve operations, parameterized for curves secp256r1, secp256k1 with tests using Foundry


web3-resources [link]
Collection of web3 resources for blockchain enthusiasts. Contains some major alpha on ZKP, Solidity & auditing.
zk-security-reviews [link]
Collection of security reviews of ZK Protocols

Audit Reports

audits [link]
All of my audits aggregated in one repository. This includes smart contracts in Solidity, circuits in circom & rust as well.

CTFs / Puzzles

zkp-mooc-berkeley [link]
Solutions to the circom exercises prepped by UC Berkeley RDI for the ZKP MOOC 2023
ZKBootcamp [link]
Solutions to cairo exercises prepped during Encode ZK Bootcamp by mentors from EntropyIO
huff-puzzles [link]
Solutions to huff exercises created for Rareskill's Advanced Solidity Bootcamp
zk-puzzles [link]
Solutions to the circom exercises prepped by Rareskills. Constraint checks added for the exercises in the main branch.


Testing-Web3 [site] [code]
A fun attempt to try out some of the interesting projects in Web3 which include snapshot, lighthouse ..
Trug [site] [code]
A decentralized file storage platform which functions quite similar to Google Drive with static URLs and enhanced Web3 features.
mintbaseXsupabase [code]
The app pulls NFTs as graphdata from the public Mintbase graph, uses Supabase Auth to manage users and Supabase tables for the NFT, Like and Comment data.


landing-page-spect [site] [code]
Landing Page for Spect Network
Travel-Advisor [code]
A simple React App which lists all the Hotels, Restaurants & Tourist Attractions in a specified location.