Online Learning
Aztec Cohort 1
Explored Noir's novel intermediate representation (ACIR),
constraints optimizations, and security.
Hacker Camp
ZK Camp is a two-month hybrid program consisting of ZK curriculum,
ZK Hackathon and Demo Day.
Understanding and Developing on Zcash
Learnt the foundations of Zcash, its use cases, development &
governance, halo2 in zcash.
The bootcamp focused on the theoretical aspects of ZK Proofs and
constructing a ZK Proof using SNARKs, Polynomial Commitments, FRI,
encryption algorithms and so much more. I was awarded the
Legendary Tier NFT
ZK Bootcamp 2023
Successfully completed an intensive boot camp Zero Knowledge
Proofs gaining practical knowledge and hands-on experience in
Zokrates, Cairo, Noir, SnarkyJS, Circom.
Blockchain Specialization by University at Buffalo & The State
University of New York
Got the basics of blockchain technology, its applications and the
architecture of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger and misc
decentralized applications.
Formal Education
St. Joseph's College
Jun 2018 - May 2021
Bachelors in Mathematics
Completed my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics with a CGPA of 8.6
with in-depth knowledge in Discrete Maths, Graph Theory,
Algorithms, C++, MATLAB, Probability, Fourier Analysis &
Transform, Regression, Vectors & Calculus.